Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Globes are Also Golden: The Golden Globes Live(ish) Blog

Alex Palombo
I'm watching MTV's remake of Skins tonight to rag on it. If you're interested in shit, check in around 11 PM EST!
Alex Palombo
Dear Hollywood: Get a sense of humor.
Alex Palombo
It excites me greatly that Radio 1045 now plays Fitz and the Tantrums. Yay.
Alex Palombo
Up too early to take Corinne back to school.
Alex Palombo
"And thank you to God for making me an atheist." Gervais. Classic.
Alex Palombo
Damn, that orchestra has no mercy, does it?
Alex Palombo
Who knew a movie about a website would be so good?
Alex Palombo
Social Network will win best Drama.
Alex Palombo
@: HAHA, good luck with the essay. Say hi to everyone for me.
Alex Palombo
Loving the new Gwen Stefani commercials for L'Oreal, but she has way better songs than Hollaback Girl to use for ads.
Alex Palombo
@: Please tell me you're not staying up until 4 AM to watch the Golden Globes.
Alex Palombo
Who-hoa! Cut back to Guy Pearce!
Alex Palombo
Oh, cute kiss from Geoffrey Rush by the way.
Alex Palombo
Yay! Mr. Darcy won!
Alex Palombo
Ooh, Best Actor. Rooting for Colin Firth.
Alex Palombo
Oh, and nice shout out to table 114, Tom Hanks.
Alex Palombo
Wow. The Comedy category is BLEAK.
Alex Palombo
I really love Allen and Hanks together. Very funny.
Alex Palombo
"The other is Tim Allen."
Alex Palombo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "He's totally the best actor, he totally wanted to sleep with me."
Alex Palombo
So my sister was wrong. Touching yourself in a movie = awards. Go Black Swan.
Alex Palombo
Yay Natalie Portman!
Alex Palombo
Yummy. Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Alex Palombo
@: Um, not when one of those roles is The Tourist.
Alex Palombo
What's with the censorship? It's terrible.
Alex Palombo
Hooray for Paul Giamatti beating Johnny Depp and Johnny Depp.
Alex Palombo
Halle Berry appears to have shown up in her lingerie.
Alex Palombo
Why is Alicia Keys presenting Black Swan? Whatever. I hope it wins.
Alex Palombo
"Will Johnny Depp beat Johnny Depp?" I hope he does. With a hairbrush.
Alex Palombo
Glee won?! I was rooting for Big Bang.
Alex Palombo
The joke with Jimmy Fallon was funnier than all of January Jones's SNL appearance. Oh, and put the boobs away.
Alex Palombo
Matthew Morrison looked a little ill there. Like, "Ugh, that burrito was a bad move."
Alex Palombo
Fake surprise speech doesn't suit you, David Fincher.
Alex Palombo
Come on Aranofsky. It's going to be Fincher, though.
Alex Palombo
A terrible actress for a terrible movie. How fitting.
Alex Palombo
"These films are like my children, except my children are more Expensive and you can't remake them in 3D to bump up profits."
Alex Palombo
Um, stop trying to be funny, Robert DeNiro. Leave the lame topical jokes to Gervais.
Alex Palombo
HAHAHA, Angelina Jolie looks so pissed off for no reason. Like Brad Pitt cut a fart or something. Awkward.
Alex Palombo
Tweet break for a bit. Because I don't care about DeNiro that much. Slash DeMille Lifetime awards aren't funny.
Alex Palombo
I love Matt Damon. "I had no idea who Robert DeNiro was until about 5 years ago."
Alex Palombo
Oh, AWESOME, an Adjustment Bureau commercial. I want to see this so badly.
Alex Palombo
@: You should write it out. Sort of like "Shit my Dad Says," but actually funny.
Alex Palombo
I really like Melissa Leo's dress. For once.
Alex Palombo
"The FIGHT-tah."
Alex Palombo
Mmmm...just keep talking, Jeremy Irons. The poor bloke's Alan Rickman.
Alex Palombo
"Thanks to my writers. That's so crass. The truth comes out." Oh, Jim Parsons. And he thanked his nephew!
Alex Palombo
How cute that Penny gave Sheldon his Golden Globe. Now if only he stopped knocking...
Alex Palombo
Fingers crossed for Jim Parsons!
Alex Palombo
Oh, hooray for Kaley Cuoco!
Alex Palombo
I liked that shot of the Burlesque winner walking back from going pee.
Alex Palombo
Way to star fuck for Jane Fonda. Especially in that ugly dress. And for BURLESQUE. I'm ashamed of you, HFPA.
Alex Palombo
Although I loved how Vanessa Williams seemed bored with Lea Michelle's name. Us too, girl. Us too.
Alex Palombo
Laura Linney? What?
Alex Palombo
Best Actress for Comedy? Probably either Edie Falco or Tina Fey.
Alex Palombo
Ooh, Helen Mirren. Presenting "The King's Speech." Wonderful all around, hope it wins something.
Alex Palombo
Her dress makes up for the gagging from Robert Pattinson next to her.
Alex Palombo
Well, at least Gervais is honest. No one cares about Foreign Films. But boy, Olivia Wilde's dress is lovely.
Alex Palombo
I absolutely love Jane Lynch.
Alex Palombo
"I am nothing but falsely humble."
Alex Palombo
Whatever, Jane Lynch won anyway! Thank God.
Alex Palombo
Um...that's not Julia Stiles, cameramen.
Alex Palombo
"Elite is not a bad word, it's an aspiration. Honey, look around, smart girls have more fun."
Alex Palombo
He looks terrible, but for creating West Wing, I can only love Aaron Sorkin. And the apology to Zuckerberg was classy.
Alex Palombo
Yay for The Social Network!!
Alex Palombo
"I would've given my right arm to write that" on 127 Hours. More awards presented by Fey and Carell, please?
Alex Palombo
Gervais is like enamored with Tina Fey and ragging on Steve Carell. Love it.
Alex Palombo
First Beiber, now Efron? Jesus, no more tweens at this (slightly) respectable awards show.
Alex Palombo
Damn it, the "America's Restaurant" commercial now got "Milkshake" stuck in my head.
Alex Palombo
@: I thought Helena Bonham Carter looked weirdest in "The King's Speech" because she didn't look crazy/like herself.
Alex Palombo
Why are they even presenting Best TV Movie? It's going to be Claire Danes.
Alex Palombo
I love Colin Firth trying to look interested in Pacino's speech while he makes a mental grocery list. "Tea...bread..."
Alex Palombo
Oh lord, Al Pacino trying to speak.
Alex Palombo
Geoffrey Rush looks like a grandpa with that hat next to Tilda Swinton, who looks like Conan O'Brien in a dress.
Alex Palombo
Alex Palombo
Whoa, Sly Stallone needs to quit with the...everything.
Alex Palombo
And why does the commercial music sound like West Side Story?
Alex Palombo
Why is LL Cool J sitting with Jimmy Fallon? Are they Slow Jamming the Golden Globes?
Alex Palombo
@: HAHAHA, I think the lack of comb was planned.
Alex Palombo
Lovely for Annette Benning to thank Julianne Moore first.
Alex Palombo
You know, if Annette Benning was going to win, why did they put her so far away from the stage?
Alex Palombo
"Not trying to creep anybody out, but where's Emma?"
Alex Palombo
"I don't know if an actress can do her best work until I've slept with her. Julianne."
Alex Palombo
Nice jab back at Gervais, RDJ. Love him.
Alex Palombo
Whoa, little rough on the RDJ. Love him anyway. Sex on legs.
Alex Palombo
"Were you two even born when the first Toy Story came out?"
Alex Palombo
Three cheers for Toy Story 3, the most pleasantly predictable award ever!
Alex Palombo
Alex Palombo
Trent Reznor just won a Golden Globe!
Alex Palombo
Ooh, Best Original Score time. Fingers crossed for Trent Reznor!
Alex Palombo
Cher's song won. All I can think of is Will and Grace making fun of her. "Hoooooooooooooo!"
Alex Palombo
...I don't like any of the songs nominated for best song.
Alex Palombo
Ew, Jennifer Lopez's dress is ugly. From the Green Versace to the clear poncho.
Alex Palombo
HAHAHAHAHA, Heather Mills jokes not involving missing limbs.
Alex Palombo
Yummy, Andrew Garfield.
Alex Palombo
@: Vampire Diaries isn't as good as the other ones, that's why. Hearts.
Alex Palombo
Mad Men should've won over Boardwalk Empire. It's great, but not as consistenly strong.
Alex Palombo
Buscemi, you're forgiven. "I want to thank table 114 because wow, you're fun."
Alex Palombo
I really wish Jon Hamm had won Best Supporting Actor, as much as I like Buschemi.
Alex Palombo
HAHA, Hugh Laurie looks so bored.
Alex Palombo
Whoa, what's with Dexter's ginger beard?
Alex Palombo
Hollywood Foreign Press president, no one cares. Get back to the awards.
Alex Palombo
Eva Longoria, you're way too pretty for that dress.
Alex Palombo
Alex Palombo
To honor "Red," the cameramen decided to flash to Helen Mirren's boobs. Classy.
Alex Palombo
"It's like Pacman." Gervais's "WTF" face is priceless
Alex Palombo
iFelicitaciones! to "Carlos," for winning, but I didn't understand a word of the speech. .
Alex Palombo
Be honest. Does anyone actually care about the Best Miniseries or TV Movie? You know, outside of Tom Hanks for "The Pacific?"
Alex Palombo
Just apologizing to anyone following me for all of the tweets with tags.
Alex Palombo
Whoa! Katey Segal won for Sons of Anarchy! What a wonderful surprise!
Alex Palombo
Um...what did Bale yell at DeNiro? Damn you censorship.
Alex Palombo
I wish my hair was a luscious as Christian Bale's.
Alex Palombo
@: HAHAHAHAHAHA, you know, ScarJo is available now.
Alex Palombo
Dapper hat, there, Geoffrey Rush.
Alex Palombo
ScarJo has an ugly dress on. That's what happens when you divorce Ryan Reynolds.
Alex Palombo
"Just don't look at it when you touch it." That was almost Joel McHale material. If only he yelled "I'm a boat captain."
Alex Palombo
Oh lord, Tom Cruise joke. "My lawyers helped me with the wording of that joke."
Alex Palombo
YES! "The Tourist" joke. Gervais thinks it's stupid too.
Alex Palombo
As much as I love Ricky Gervais, I sort of wished there was no host. The first Charlie Sheen joke was funny, though.
Alex Palombo
HAHAHA, Carson and Fallon are cute together. It's like two frat boys in suits psyched to be there.
Alex Palombo

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