Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Whoa! Gas was 74 Cents!"

Okay, so Kelly and I decided to start our "Rickmania" movie night (meaning a night of Alan Rickman movies) a little early because, well...

...we've never seen Die Hard. And we felt this needed to be fixed.

So we're watching the movie - which is fantastic, by the way, go rent it if you haven't seen it yet - and as we watch this insane gun battle on the rooftop of the Nakatomi Plaza, we notice two different things other than the plot.

1) I notice that the building used for Nakatomi Plaza looks suspiciously famliar to the building that Irina jumped off of at the end of season 2 of Alias.
2) Kelly noticed the price of gas was insanely low. Now granted, the movie was made in 1988, but still. $0.74 for gas? No way!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Now Panic and Freak Out

So following all the terrible attacks on college campuses, Ithaca College decided to institute this loud-ass siren and alert system to let us know if there's a crazed axe murderer or bandit on campus. And I gotta tell you, I really appreciate this. It's nice to know where to run and hide in case there's a crazy on the loose.

I've thankfully never heard this used in a real emergency, but the testing is pretty freaking scary, I gotta tell you. I was sitting innocently enough upstairs in Emerson on my laptop when out of nowhere this loud siren goes off:


And then after that, everyone's phones started going off at the same time, like The Ring. Everyone who signed up for it (which is like everyone) gets texts and phone calls and e-mails about the test of the system, or of the system going off itself.

But holy shit, was that scary.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dylan's Been In the Army Too Long

So after a long discussion with Morgan (meaning the length of a Holocaust class), we've decided to go out for Halloween as Captain Morgan and Alex from a Clockwork Orange, respectively.

In this conversation, we discussed what Kelly Paul was thinking of doing, and revealed that Dylan needs to get laid, STAT.