Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Geomedia: AKA The Class I Get To Do Fun Projects In

Senior year is the year that most college students get to take goof off classes. And I didn't, mine are all serious, but they are all pretty fun in some way or form. I get to listen to music in Popular Music in the Rock Era, I get to talk about everything from novels to burlesque in History of US Pop Culture, I get to learn another language in Italian, and I get to write about pottery for 6000 words in Narrative.

Actually, that last one might suck a little.

But I get to do fun stuff like this presentation for Geomedia.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Come No One Told Me I Love Shnoz?

I was watching the SAGs the other night and we were talking about who we thought was attractive. Now I can't tell you for sure who I was talking about, but I can tell you this. Casey and Kelly are like, "They all have really big noses."

I had never noticed this, but it totally seems to be true. They were like, "Okay, so go through a few guys you think are hot."

So I named off a few, and they're like, "It's totally true, you like big noses." And Casey just said, "So basically you like Jewish guys."

(Which, don't get offended, Casey is also Jewish)

But why did no one tell me this before? I really didn't notice it until someone pointed it out, and then I started sensing a trend. Guys I'm drawn to tend to have bigger noses. Even one of my exes had a big nose!

To that guy, if he's reading, it wasn't meant to be rude. And it's not in an unattractive way, clearly it was working for me at the time. 

Now granted, it wasn't as big as these two man candies that I love (and Corinne has a thing for Adrien Brody too, that's not just me, people), but still, the trend was there. Good to know I guess?