Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mo Finals, Mo Problems

As nervous as I am about the real world next year, I'm really super psyched that I will no longer have to write 12-15 pages about stuff I'm sick of talking about.

In the next two to three weeks, I will need to finish that paper (which by now is done and ready to be turned in), do a multimedia presentation — which includes a video, audios slideshow, audio standalone, still photos, text, maps, graphs, and interactives, write two essays for Holocaust, write two longer essays for Magical Realism (one of which is due next week, one of which is due during finals), and take a test in Italian.

Grumble grumble grumble grumble.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Amishville USA

I haven't seen my little sister Corinne since August, so going to get her tonight is sort of awesome. The problem here is that she lives in Bumble. And not just any bumble. She goes to Lebanon Valley College in Annville PA, in the heart of the Amish community.

I kid you not. When we decided when to pick her up for Thanksgiving break, we had to take into consideration that Wednesday is Amish meeting (church) night and that there would be mad buggy traffic going to her school. That's how Amish her school is.

I'm making a bet with Corinne that we'll see like 12 carriages tonight. Any takers?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

In Ithaca, Comrade Finds You

So I was walking through Park the other day innocently enough, just going to the bathroom/taking a breather from Multi and out of nowhere I see my ex walking up the stairs.

We say hi, exchange some pleasantries, the like. I have nothing against the guy. I just, you know...

...thought he graduated.

The beauty of breaking up with someone and them graduating is that you don't see them again. And then in your school he pops up because he's dating another girl (who's really fun).

I just want to walk through Park and know that I won't run into people, you know?