Saturday, February 20, 2010

"There Are A Lot of Cocks in Southend"

I cannot tell you how difficult it is to keep a straight face when canvassing sometimes.

We were out and about in Kursaal yesterday door knocking and talking to everyone who was even thinking about voting, and we found a family house with about 4 people in it with the last name "Cock."

And it wasn't pronounced any weird way or whatever, it was just Cock.

Which is funny to anyone over the age of 12, including my boss (as well as he hides it).

Even funnier when we were in a different ward of Southend today (Milton) and there was another house of 4 with the last name "Cock." One of the houses that I was responsible for talking to. So I went up to the door and knocked, and as I waited for Mr. Cock to answer, I noticed that there were a bunch of roosters around the front. A key hanger, a name plate, all with roosters. Or cocks, if you will.

So as we were walking away and we noticed that there were 8 people with the last name Cock living in Southend, it was Kevin who remarked "Wow, there are a lot of cocks in Southend."

I love my job.

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