Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer School Silence

I was sort of expecting the first day of summer school to be a freaking nightmare, but shockingly it's going pretty well.

It started off sort of crappy.

My alarm went off at 6, which, ew. After hauling my ass out of bed by like 6:15 and getting dressed and all I moseyed my way down Kirkwood Highway to Stanton, where the fun fest is being held this year. Found myself hanging with the other teachers in the gym lobby, with them yelling at a few kids to take their hats off (they refused) and taunting them for seeing the same kids again from the school year.

Which is just cruel, really. If you didn't pass Spanish the first time with a teacher, you're stuck wtih them again? Bummer.

But once I got in the classrooms after straightening everything out tech wise(for some reason, I've been designated tech support. I know, right?) I discovered the kids were relatively well behaved. I mean yeah, there's the idiot in the corner that was with me last year for the same thing and isn't doing work, and then there's one to my right who's staring at the start up screen, but the kids around me are doing surprisingly well. Like, they want to get their shit done and go home.

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